Commercial Courses

High rise office buildings, factories, shops, medical procedure clinics and rooms are just some of the businesses that will benefit from these training sessions.

Commercial & Industrial Courses

Hotfire Training Services offers on-site Fire Safety Awareness training to ALL types of businesses.

High rise office buildings, factories, shops, medical procedure clinics and rooms are just some of the businesses that will benefit from these training sessions.

On site group training is our speciality which benefits your organisation in may ways. Site specific fire training is the most comprehensive way to educate management and staff on Fire
Safety Procedures..As all locations are different in some way, we will tailor this training to suit your very specific needs.

We will come to you during or after working hours and a 1.5 or 2 hour session is recommended, with a ma xium of 20-30 participants per session. Conditions apply.

Please contact me personally by email: or follow website contact us page. Alternatively you can call me on 0401323945 with any enquires whatsoever.

Emergency Procedures

Emergency procedures in the workplace are a necessary part of any business 'duty of care' to employees, tradesmen and visitors to that facitlity.

OH&S and WHS legislation directs everyone within the facitlity familiarise themselves with the site specific Emergency Procedures manual.

This is a very important obligation of employer/employees to fulfill within very strict workplace guidelines set out by Workcover and other State and Federal legislation.

Development of their Emergency Procedures need to be methodical, accurate, current and workable. Site specific details are a must and regular practice of these procedures means they can be updated, adjusted or even re-written depending on the various cirucmstances.

Hotfire Training Services visit, consult, record, develop and with onsite practice, deliver very specific Emergency Procedures for that location not just a 'one size fits all'.

Contact via email, phone or internet for a free, no obligation site visit by our professional emergency staff.